Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Production Report 11A


    • The current drinking age is detrimental to the physical, social, and legal wellbeing of minors.
    • Open with a personal experience on how the current drinking age has effected me.
    • Detail the history of the law determining the legal drinking age.
RAW CONTENT(a script for my podcast):

In 1984, the National Minimum Drinking Age Act was passed and threatened to significantly reduce federal highway funds to any state that did not outlaw the consumption of alcoholic beverages by people under 21 years of age. This law sought to make our nation's youths safer, but instead transformed many minors into criminals before the eyes of the law, created a distrust and fear of law enforcement amongst our nation's youth, and prohibited American citizens from indulging in a vital social construct as old has advanced human culture itself. In the college setting, the aforementioned detriments of this law are very, very apparent.


1. Due to the podcast's exclusively auditory form, I had to try to keep the content less bulky and had to eliminate all pontification and fluff. I tried to make my intro succinct yet grabbing to compensate for the podcast genre.

2. Nothing too surprising (like an epiphany or unexpected problem) happened during my production process. I guess those will really pop up when I am recording my project.

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