Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Production Report 11B


    • An anonymous interview with a high school friend of mine on how drinking is an important part of a teenager's social life.
      • This is important because gives a voice to the true feelings of adolescents.
      • This will prove that young people truly feel that their rights are being infringed upon.
    • An anthropological account of the social importance of inebriation in primitive and modern applications.
      • This is important because it illustrates the importance of drinking in human social circles.
      • This will prove that the want to drink is an integral part of human culture and therefore its prohibition is unnatural.
RAW CONTENT (script of my podcast):

With me today I have an anonymous interviewee who is here to tell us about his experience as a college student has personally experienced the social utility of drinking especially in circles considered too young by the government.
***The interview will be done during the time of the recording***
Surprisingly, the idea of "getting messed up" being an important, even vital, component of the human social structure are supported by long-trusted anthropological records. Alcohol and various other recreational drugs (marijuana, peyote, ayahuasca, etc.) have been important in various religious rites and rituals since our species's humble beginnings. Furthermore, some believe these drugs are responsible for our creation of religion and a few others believe that they might be responsible for our bipedial nature, Terence McKenna's Stoned Ape Theory.


1. Once again, I had to try to keep my passage as brief as possible to compensate for the podcast format. Furthermore, I decided no to overplan my interviews in order to maintain a conversational and casual tone with the interviewee.

2. I noticed that I am going to need more raw content and factual support to aid my argument while, finding out a way to give my sources credit using the podcast format.

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