Monday, April 18, 2016

Peer Review for Mike Duffek

For my peer review of a fellow class-member, I decided to review the podcast on national security by Mike Duffek, "P3-Draft".

Why I gave him a content suggestion...
  • I felt that a lot of the content he presented was very well argued and thorough but it kind of felt like too much at once. Maybe if the information were broken up into smaller sections I wouldn't have been as overwhelmed as I felt.
Why I think this helped...
  • I feel that this recommendation is viable because by breaking up the sections: maybe by sound effect or voice over, the listener would have more time to ponder, understand, and digest the information provided to them.
What I drew upon from in class discussions (an intangible source material)...
  • When discussing the genre conventions of each genre in class, it was brought up that a podcast is specifically and exclusively audible genre. Therefore, going back and rereading something is impossible, instead the typically lazy audience won't go back and re-listen to something that requires more thought because it requires more effort.
What I liked...
  • I felt that the author employed a very crude and blunt diction in order to be as straight-forward to the audience as possible. This mentioning of taboo subjects in the argument against increased government intervention in private Internet affairs makes in more entertaining and realistic.

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