Sunday, March 27, 2016

Editorial Report 2


1. I beefed up the content of my essay by added some words to reassert my assertions in my conclusion paragraph. This practice really helped me to make my conclusion sound more intelligent and to add to my rather short essay.

2.Once again, I did;t need to make any changes to the form because this is one of the hundreds of rhetoric essays I have written... not to sound cocky.



Creative writers employ various rhetorical strategies in various genres in order to prove themselves to, inform, entertain, and connect to the general audience. Authors commonly attempt to validate themselves as credible writers on a topic in their work. The insertion of fact into creative works is used to create realism. Pathos allows the author to connect with the general audience. The communicative methods of a creative writer are imperative in the progression in the artform itself: Alger inspired Fitzgerald, Fitzgerald inspired Thompson, and Thompson inspired me to write this paper.


Creative writers employ various rhetorical strategies in various genres in order to prove themselves to, inform, entertain, and connect to the general audience. Authors commonly attempt to validate themselves as credible writers on a topic in their work by connecting to the decorum of their audience and communicating their credentials. The insertion of fact into creative works is used to create realism in order to make the stories more comprehensible and believable to the readers. Pathos allows the author to connect with the general audience through humor, fear, and various other emotional appeals. The communicative methods of a creative writer set forth a linkage of metaphorical dominos as Alger inspired Fitzgerald, Fitzgerald inspired Thompson, and Thompson inspired me to write this paper.

Editorial Report


1. I attempted to spice up the content of my introductory paragraph because I belief that it wasn't gripping enough at the beginning. Also I removed many of the uses of the word, 'American', because I thought it was used too frequently and that it distracted from the true purpose of the essay.

2.I did not have to make too many alterations to the form of this essay because the standard college essay is a genre I am very familiar with writing. I did try to strengthen my thesis though.



In 1856, the New England-born, Harvard graduate, Horatio Alger Jr., published his first in a series of books that detailed successful pursuits of the American dream by American teenagers that validated the American dream for many. Inspired by the genre known as the “Horatio Alger myth”, a Jazz-era, social-climber named F. Scott Fitzgerald came to publish various works (i.e. The Great Gatsby) to question the reputable belief in upwards social mobility. Then on November 11, 1971, after having copied various works of Fitzgerald, Hunter S. Thompson would write his magnum opus, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, to document the American dream’s demise. The occupation of creative writing—whether it be nonfiction, fiction, or combinant of the two—has always relied on the artful communication between writers and their readers, writers and their peers, and, as is the case the aforementioned “passing of the torch”, writers and their successors. This essential back and forth between creative writers and their various audiences relies on rhetorical strategies to communicate ideas to general audiences.


In midst of the Gilded era, the New England-born Harvard graduate, Horatio Alger Jr., published a series of books that detailed successful pursuits of the American dream by immigrant teenagers that validated the dream of fame and fortune for youths across the nation. Inspired by the genre known as the “Horatio Alger myth”, a Jazz-era, social-climber named F. Scott Fitzgerald came to publish various works (i.e. The Great Gatsby) to question the reputable belief in upwards social mobility. Then on November 11, 1971, after having copied various works of Fitzgerald, Hunter S. Thompson would write his magnum opus, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, to document the American dream’s demise. The occupation of creative writing—whether it be nonfiction, fiction, or combinant of the two—has always relied on the artful communication between writers and their readers, writers and their peers, and, as is the case the aforementioned “passing of the torch”, writers and their successors which is reliant on various rhetorical strategies to articulate ideas to the world.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Open Post to Peer Reviewers


I feel that this revision process will be pretty easy. I know, for the most part, what I need to fix in my essay. However, I have the lingering suspicion that I am too confident.


What you should know?

  • I forgot to put a works cited.
  • My conclusion is garbage.
My weaknesses
  • Terrible conclusion
  • I feel my wording is redundant
  • Run-on sentences
  • Some of my claims lack depth
My strengths
  • Unique structure
  • My essay encompasses various genres in depth
  • Thorough analysis of rhetoric

Reflection on Project 2

1. The restructuring of my essay from my content outline to my raw content went great, mostly because I almost completely ignored my boring content outline. Instead of talking about a different genre's conventions in each body paragraph, I decided to analyze a different work of a different genre for a different strategy for each paragraph. I feel my essay is much more holistic because of this alteration.

2. The biggest challenge is that I ran out of steam towards the end: my conclusion sucks and my works cited is to be added.

3. Next week should be pretty easy... or at least I think all I need to fix is my conclusion and add a works cited. I will try to attend office hours just to verify that these are the only necessary alterations.

4. I feel really confident in my essay. Much more confident than with the last project.

Production Report 8B


1. The conclusion of a college essay is rather straight forward. As usual, I just summarized the rest of the essay and tried to conclude with something to leave the reader thinking.

2. I feel that I especially struggled with this paragraph because I was so tired from writing the rest of my essay. It was easy to write and I guess it's ok as it is, but I really want it to POP!

  • Conclusion
    • Closer could stress the importance of the communication between writers.
    • Closer could be a personal reflection from someone about to join this community of writers.

Creative writers employ various rhetorical strategies in various genres in order to prove themselves to, inform, entertain, and connect to the general audience. Authors commonly attempt to validate themselves as credible writers on a topic in their work. The insertion of fact into creative works is used to create realism. Pathos allows the author to connect with the general audience. The communicative methods of a creative writer are imperative in the progression in the artform itself: Alger inspired Fitzgerald, Fitzgerald inspired Thompson, and Thompson inspired me to write this paper.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Production Report 8A


1. I decided to use the form of a standard college essay because I am most used to doing rhetoric analyses in this format. Being that this a rhetorical analysis of an entire profession, I had to make some tweaks in my introduction to make sure it was less specific than the standard rhetorical analysis introductory paragraph.

2. An epiphany reached at this point in the process was that I could analyze a different piece of literature that I am familiar with for each rhetorical strategy. This allowed me to cover more genres and examples in my essay.


  • Introduction
    • Grabber could stress the importance of the communication between creative writers to society.
    • Grabber could trace the passing of inspirations through a chain of authors: Horatio Alger novels inspired F. Scott Fitzgerald, F. Scott Fitzgerald inspired Hunter S. Thompson, etc.
    • Thesis: There are many tendencies in the vital communication between creative writers


In 1856, the New England-born, Harvard graduate, Horatio Alger Jr., published his first in a series of books that detailed successful pursuits of the American dream by American teenagers that validated the American dream for many. Inspired by the genre known as the “Horatio Alger myth”, a Jazz-era, social-climber named F. Scott Fitzgerald came to publish various works (i.e. The Great Gatsby) to question the reputable belief in upwards social mobility. Then on November 11, 1971, after having copied various works of Fitzgerald, Hunter S. Thompson would write his magnum opus, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, to document the American dream’s demise. The occupation of creative writing—whether it be nonfiction, fiction, or combinant of the two—has always relied on the artful communication between writers and their readers, writers and their peers, and, as is the case the aforementioned “passing of the torch”, writers and their successors. This essential back and forth between creative writers and their various audiences relies on rhetorical strategies to communicate ideas to general audiences.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Reflection on My Pre-Production Process

1. My interviews, despite the brevity of my interview with Dr. Sheehan, went pretty well for the most part. I definitely got some really good "soundbites". For instance, Sheehan gave me an excellent soundbite regarding the conditions that led her to become a writer: she articulates on her parents' backgrounds as writers and how it affected her.

2. Time management, as f**king usual, was my biggest setback this week. The previous activity where I had to make a production schedule should help me out though... Need evidence? Check out when ever blogpost I've ever written was submitted.

3. The last activity will hopefully help me to better organize and manage the production segment of this project. Procrastination has a funny way of sneaking up on you though...

4. Overall, I feel that this project will definitely be better than my last one (which isn't saying much).   I will really need to finish the rough draft to provide an accurate assessment.

Production Schedule


3/9/16 at 10:00pm in my dorm

  1. Write introduction for rough draft
  2. Do blogpost 8.1
3/10/16 at 2:00pm in my dorm
  1. Write first body paragraph for rough draft
  2. Do blogpost 8.2
3/11/16 at 10:00am in my dorm
  1. Write second body paragraph for rough draft
  2. Do blogpost 8.3
3/12/16 at 10:00am in my dorm
  1. Write third body paragraph for rough draft
  2. Do blogpost 8.4
3/13/16 at 11:00am in my dorm
  1. Write conclusion for rough draft
  2. Make minor local revisions

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Content Outline

The following is the outline for my second project in this class:

  • Introduction
    • Grabber could stress the importance of the communication between creative writers to society.
    • Grabber could trace the passing of inspirations through a chain of authors: Horatio Alger novels inspired F. Scott Fitzgerald, F. Scott Fitzgerald inspired Hunter S. Thompson, etc.
    • Thesis: There are many tendencies in the vital communication between creative writers
  • Body Paragraph One
    • Main Point/Central Question: Who do creative writers write for?
    • Support 1: Sheehan's quote on wanting smarter people to read her work
    • Support 2: Foley's quote on wanting people of different and similar views to read his work.
  • Body Paragraph Two
    • Main Point/Central Question: What kind of person becomes a creative writer?
    • Support 1: Sheehan's quote on her parents being writers.
    • Support 2: Foley's quote on his military experience helping him write.
  • Body Paragraph Three
    • Main Point/Central Question: How has communication between creative writers and the occupation of a creative writing changed overtime?
    • Support 1: Sheehan's quote on the technical advances in publishing.
    • Support 2: Foley's quote on the change in society's open-mindedness improving the industry.
  • Conclusion
    • Closer could stress the importance of the communication between writers.
    • Closer could be a personal reflection from someone about to join this community of writers.