Sunday, May 1, 2016

Peer Review for

Project 4 Production Report 2

Audience Questions

1. Making videos is a medium that I am very familiar with and therefore am not too concerned with planning. Much of project will be determined by my spontaneous creativity.

2. One major epiphany I had while creating this portion of the raw material is that much of my project will be composed of other people's clips (movie clips, tv show clips, etc.), properly cited of course. For instance, I rushed a fraternity this semester and I'll use that as evidence to m preoccupation this semester and I'll use a clip from Dazed and Confused in which a young Ben Affleck paddles a young man with a very "frat" paddle.

Outline Excerpt

Body One: My Background

  • Evidence 1
    • A summary of younger years, when I first developed an interest for creative writing.
      • This proves that I had always had a passion for the English language.
      • This is important because it kind of juxtaposes the struggles I had in English 109H.
  • Evidence 2
    • A summary of all the things I had going on during my second semester of college.
      • This proves that I had a lot on my plate this semester.
      • This is important because it helps explain many of my problems this semester.
Adaptation of Outline Excerpt

(A shotlist for my body 1)

  1. Bust shot of me (included with dialogue)
  2. Various shots of family photos and photos of a younger me (included with dialogue)

Project 4 Production Report 1

Audience Questions

1. Since I was left with no other choices in terms of the genre I'd use, I decided to make a video (my favorite medium). In terms of translating my outline excerpt in raw material, I found some difficulty because I haven't yet shot or compiled anything so I just used a shot list.

2. The production of this raw material was mostly uneventful as nothing was really produced yet just conceptualized. However, I did just recently realize that I might have problems producing a content-filled introduction given my limited number of shots.

Outline Excerpt


  • Idea 1
    • Have an introduction that starts with a scene depicting a typical deadline night for me.
  • Idea 2
    • Give a summary of my life leading up to English 109H.
Adaptation of Outline Excerpt

(A shotlist for my introduction)

  1. POV shot as I walk down the street to go to class (included with narration)
  2. Low angle tilt of my computer (included with narration)
  3. Eye level shot of me screaming into a pillow (included with narration)
  4. Close up of the submit button on D2L (included with narration)
  5. Bust shot of me (included with dialogue)